Successful Treatments
Liver Cancer is a type of cancer that affects the liver, a vital organ that helps filter toxins, digest food, and store energy. This cancer can start directly in the liver (called primary liver cancer) or spread to the liver from other parts of the body (called secondary liver cancer). Knowing about liver cancer is important because it helps people understand their treatment options and make informed health decisions.
Liver cancer can develop due to a variety of factors, often involving conditions or exposures that damage the liver over time.
Here are some of the common causes of Liver Cancer, discussed below:
Viral Infections: Chronic infection due to hepatitis B or C viruses is a significant factor in causing Liver Cancer as they are responsible for the inflammation in the Liver.
Cirrhosis: It is the condition in which scarring in the Liver occurs due to regular damage because of hepatitis or alcoholism. It significantly increases the risk of Liver Cancer.
Exposure to Toxins: Long-term exposure to some industrial chemicals and aflatoxins that are produced by moulds raises the risk of Liver Cancer among individuals.
Diabetes: Liver Cancer is more likely to develop in patients suffering from diabetes as it leads to fatty Liver disease which is responsible for Cirrhosis, thereby increasing the chances of having Liver Cancer.
Liver cancer often doesn’t show symptoms in its early stages, making it harder to detect. Here are some common Liver Cancer symptoms mentioned below:
An unexpected loss in weight without putting any effort into it is considered a warning sign.
The constant feeling of tiredness and weakness which may not disappear with rest can be a symptom of Liver Cancer.
One of the common symptoms of Liver Cancer is experiencing weight loss as Cancer usually interferes with the metabolism of the body resulting in a decreased desire to eat food.
The first symptom or sign of Liver Cancer is usually the occurrence of pain in the upper right side of the abdomen or the area close to the right shoulder blade.
The Liver Cancer staging helps determine the extent of the disease and plan the appropriate course of treatment. Generally, the tumour, lymph nodes, and occurrence of metastasis commonly referred to as TNM method is used to classify the stages as:
Stage 0: In this stage, the Cancer is very small and present only in the Liver which is called carcinoma in situ.
Stage I: This stage is characterised by the presence of only one tumour which is small in size and that has not formed blood vessels.
Stage II: It is characterised by the presence of one or more tumours less than 5 cm, or a single tumour invading blood vessels.
Stage III: It is characterised by the spread of tumours to a major blood vessel, or by multiple tumours with at least one of them being more than 5 cm.
Stage IV: It is the most serious type, where the disease has spread to other parts of the body, such as bones or lungs.
Jiva provides state-of-the-art Ayurvedic treatment for different types of cancers including Liver Cancer under the guidance of Ayurveda. Our therapeutic approaches focus on rebalancing to restore physiological functioning at a level of optimal vitality so that it provides long-term comfort rather than just suppressing the symptom.
HACCP certified Ayurvedic medicines: Scientifically-formulated mixtures that help restore balance in the body and maintain emotional stability.
Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness-Practices: Gentle techniques for mental wellness and overall quality of life.
Ayurvedic Healing Treatments: Therapies like Panchakarma and soothing massages that cleanse the body and bring emotional balance.
Diet & Lifestyle Guidance: Expert recommendations on how to change your diet and everyday habits to get you in peak health.
Ayurveda offers various remedies and medicines for the effective treatment of Liver Cancer. Following are some commonly used naturally-sourced Ayurvedic herbs used to formulate efficient Ayurvedic medicines for Liver Cancer:
Bhringraj: This is used to harden the Liver and facilitates tissue repair thereby helping in the detoxification of the Liver.
Turmeric: Turmeric also detoxifies the Liver as it shows excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which further prevents the disorders of the Liver.
Boerhavia diffusa or punarnava: It is considered excellent for Liver problems as it helps promote digestion and guards the cells of the Liver from damage.
Liver Cancer is hard to treat because its symptoms appear when the Cancer is in its latter stages. However, if it is diagnosed and treated early, then the chances of curing it are significantly better, which can often be curatively treated by surgery or transplants. Other methods of treatment such as Ablation, Embolization, Targeted therapy, Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy, and Radiation therapy may be required in the advanced stages.
It is very important to maintain a balanced diet that consists of all the necessary nutrients required for controlling the symptoms in Liver Cancer patients. Some of the common foods that can be included in the diet are as follows:
Fruits and vegetables: They are very high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which help in increasing the general health and improving the immune system of the body.
Proteins: The addition of Lean proteins in the diet will help retain muscle mass and repair damage to tissues. Some examples of them are Fish, beans, tofu, or chicken.
Whole grains: Whole grains are needed to supply the body with fiber for a healthy gut. Some of the examples of them are Quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread.
There are two types of Liver Cancer i.e. Primary and Secondary. Primary Liver Cancer starts inside the Liver, while secondary Liver Cancer can develop anywhere in the body and spread to the Liver.
Even though the earliest signs of Liver Cancer may vary, the most common symptom is pain in the upper right abdomen. Other possible additional early signs are unintended weight loss, loss of appetite, and generalised weakness or fatigue.
The treatment of Liver Cancer is not easy since, if detected late, the prognosis is usually very poor. However, the outcome is much better when identified and treated early. In most cases, transplants or surgery are curative for the early stages. Advanced stages might require the use of ablation, embolization, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
The survival for Liver Cancer depends on the stage at diagnosis and other factors; the localised rate was 37%, the regional rate was 14%, and the distant rate was 4%, with an overall survival rate of 22%.
The treatment options based on Ayurveda provide holistic healing along with detoxification that includes various Arogyavardhini Vati, Punarnava Mandur, Kutki, Bhumi Amla Churna, Guduchi, Chirayata, and Baheda. They provide detoxifying effects, protection to Liver cells, reversal of their dysfunction, elimination of deposited fats, and reversion of biochemical and physiological aberrations.
Ayurvedic medicine is considered for the treatment of Liver Cancer using natural products, which support natural defence systems and promote holistic healing. It promotes a good quality of life, detoxifies the body, strengthens the immune system, decreases the incidence of side effects, and eradicates the causative factor of the disease.
Yes, you can take Ayurvedic drugs with prescription drugs to treat Liver Cancer. However, you need to consult a doctor regarding it. Jiva Ayunique is one of the famous Ayurvedic organisations that have experienced practitioners with a very long history in this field.
It is generally recommended that pregnant women consult a healthcare professional before using any kind of Ayurvedic remedies. We at Jiva Ayunique consist of experienced medical practitioners who possess extensive expertise and knowledge in the field of Ayurveda spanning several decades.
Unless specifically approved beforehand, and prescribed by a licensed Ayurvedic doctor, these medications will create several side effects ranging from problems in the gut, and allergies to even causing irritations to the skin.