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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Parkinson

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is caused by the very gradual deterioration of nerve junctions, popularly known as ganglia. These junctions are situated at the base of the brain and affect muscle control and movements of the body. Tremors begin in a hand or limb when the muscles are at rest. Parkinson’s disease may be compared with the disease kampavata described in Ayurveda texts. Parkinson’s disease treatment in Ayurveda is aimed at strengthening the nervous system as well as rejuvenating brain tissues for an overall improvement in the condition.

Natural Ayurvedic home remedies along with personalized treatment has effectively helped people stay healthy with Parkinson’s.

Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms


Rigidity in muscles

Tremors in extremities

Aching limbs

Mental slowness

Slowness in movements

Small hand writing

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Rigidity in muscles
Tremors in extremities
Aching limbs
Mental slowness
Slowness in movements
Small hand writing

How Parkinson’s Disease treatment at Jiva Ayurveda is different?

Parkinson’s is co-related with kampavata in Ayurveda. In old age vata dosha is more predominant in the body. This vata relocates in the brain and dries up the brain cells leading to tremors and instability. Parkinson’s disease reflects massive vitiation of vata which occupies almost all channels of body. Weak digestive fire, disturbed digestion and presence of toxins (ama) are generally observed in the patient at gastrointestinal as well as cellular levels, which provide conducive environment for vitiation of vata. Natural Ayurvedic home remedies and herbs for digestion along with nerve tonics are administered to restore digestive function both in the gastro intestinal tract and at a cellular level. Specific diets and regimen are advised. Parkinson’s disease treatment in Ayurveda provides special Neuro-Rasayanas which stimulate neurotransmitters and helps in overcoming problems as well relaxing the mind.

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