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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for Menopause

What is Menopause?

Menopause is not a disease, but a natural transition in women that occurs at the age of 45-55 years. The menstrual cycle stops and sex hormone levels decrease, including that of estrogen, resulting in the condition called menopause. In Ayurveda, menopause is described as a natural effect of aging and does not reflect any disease.


Hot flashes

Depression, irritability

Low sex drive

Blood clotting

Memory problems

Night sweating

Sleep disturbances

Frequent urinary tract infections

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Hot flashes
Depression, irritability
Low sex drive
Blood clotting
Memory problems
Night sweating
Sleep disturbances
Frequent urinary tract infections

How Menopausemanagement at Jiva Ayurveda is different?

In Ayurveda, Menopause is linked with aging, which is a Vata (air)-dominated stage of life. Therefore, the symptoms of menopause experienced by some women are similar to the symptoms seen when the VataDosha increases and upsets the normal balance of the body. Vata-type menopausal symptoms include depression, anxiety and insomnia. Menopause may also manifest itself as an increase in the other two doshas. Women with Pitta (fire)-type symptoms are often angry and suffer hot flashes. Kapha (water)-type symptoms include listlessness, weight gain, and feelings of mental and physical heaviness.

Ayurvedic treatment of Menopause focuses on strengthening and rejuvenating the reproductive system. Herbal preparations are prescribed to regulate the hormones, calm mental stress and maintain effective digestion. General tonics are also prescribed for boosting immunity and to provide rejuvenation. Diet and lifestyle adjustments are advised to maintain health and increase vitality naturally.

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