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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment for psychosis

What is Psychosis?

Psychosis is a serious mental disorder. An individual is called psychotic when his behaviour, thinking and emotions give an impression that he has lost touch with reality. Some people are susceptible to mental disorders such as psychosis, especially when faced with aggravating factors such as grief, fear and excessive worry. When mental unrest becomes severe, a person ceases to be able to function normally in everyday life. This leads to nervous exhaustion and breakdown or serious disorders such as insanity, delusion, psychosis and schizophrenia.


Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Sleep disturbances
Anxiety or depression
Difficulty to concentrate
Erratic talking
Delusions (irrational thoughts)
Hallucinations (distorted perception)
Disturbed flow of thoughts
Suicidal tendency or acts

How Psychosis treatment at Jiva Ayurveda is different?

Charak has said that the vitiated doshas evade the brains of the persons whose mind is under rajasik and tamasik influences and block channels of mind and nerve impulses. Because of this, the functioning of mind and intelligence gets affected. The person fails to differentiate between, what is real and what is virtual and thus becomes victim of psychich disorders. Psychosis is one such disorder. While treating such problems, specific herbal formulae are prescribed in Ayurveda, which detoxify and clear any blockages that may be present in the subtle channels of the brain as well as rejuvenating and strengthening the mind.

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