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Anal fissures and piles are common in old age. In the elderly, there is an age-related loss of skin elasticity and low hydration level which leads to constipation, the most common cause of piles and anal tears.
As a person ages they undergo a lot of changes physically, emotionally and socially. The system of the body slows down and so do the regenerative processes. These factors make old people more prone to the conditions such as constipation, hemorrhoids and fissures. During old age most people lose mobility and lead a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to decrease in the blood flow to the lower part of the body. The blood thus pools in the veins of the anus and rectum causing swelling.
As the most common cause of piles and fissure is constipation, treating it can prevent this problem to a great extent. The treatment plan lays in stress on improving the lifestyle habits and few easy steps, easily accessible at home.
The first and the foremost step required for preventing hemorrhoids and fissure is drinking plenty of water. At least 10 glasses of water are needed to soften stool and easing the bowel movements. Caffeine-rich food should also be avoided as it causes dehydration.
Whole grains, nuts, beans, prunes, citrus fruits and a lot of fiber-rich food should be consumed to facilitate regular bowel movements. A routine bowel movement habits prevent hardening of stool in the lower digestive tract. The elderly people should also be advised not to delay defecation as it disrupts the body’s normal cycle for the bowel movement.
a little guidance on the right position to defecate should be given to the old age people. A small stool to support their feet when sitting on the toilet seat can be advised as it reduces the pressure on the anus.
Sitting in warm bath soothes the anal sphincter and relaxes it as it enables the blood flow in that area. You can put alum (phitkari) in water and immerse the affected area in water for 10 minutes. For more information on this, talk to Jiva doctor today. Book your consultation.
The best way to treat anal fissures and piles in elderly is the prevention method. Eat healthily, keep yourself hydrated and guided on how to ease the bowel habits. The better you know easier is your treatment
To Know more , talk to a Jiva doctor. Dial 0129-4040404 or click on ‘Speak to a Doctor
under the CONNECT tab in Jiva Health App.
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