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Get Authentic Ayurvedic Treatment For Hyperacidity

Get the best ‘Ayurvedic treatment for hyperacidity’, which aims to address the root cause of your body with personalised treatment plans at Jiva Ayurveda, a globally renowned Ayurveda clinic.

What is Hyperacidity?

An increase in the acid level of the stomach is known as Hyperacidity. The stomach produces Hydrochloric Acid, which is a secretion of the stomach that must be produced for the ultimate digestion of the food we eat. Hyperacidity is the word used to refer to the overproduction of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Excessive amount of this acid causes hyperacidity.

Ayurvedic Home remedies for acidity are effective, particularly in cases when the patient approaches sooner instead of popping pills to subdue symptoms.

Hyperacidity Symptoms

Burning Sensation

One of the most common symptoms of hyperacidity is a burning feeling in the stomach, chest, or throat. This sharp, pinching kind of discomfort comes especially after having eaten and mostly because of lying down or bending towards the ground.

Acid Reflux

Many people have acid reflux, which is the condition whereby acid comes back up to the throat from the stomach and brings with it a pungent taste in the mouth and sometimes discomfort in the throat.


Most likely, hyperacidity will lead to the sensation disturbing the upper abdomen, commonly referred to as heartburn. This constriction can occur during a meal as well as after the meal, accompanied by abdominal bloating. This may be associated with burping, which is accompanied by an acidic smell.


Heartburn is a form of oesophagal burning that manifests as a stabbing pain in the lower chest, which can be attributed to stomach aches’ antagonism to the oesophagus.


Overproduction of stomach acid such as hydrochloric acid will often leave the individual with nausea, and in some cases, vomiting occurs after meals, especially when there is an overabundance of food.

Stomach Pain

Whether acute, severe, or infrequent, the pain in the abdomen is directly caused by the stomach wall, whose tolerance limits have been surpassed by the acid within.

Difficulty Swallowing

Prolonged cases may lead to the possibility of the development of dysphagia, that is, difficulty in swallowing arising from continuous exposure and damage to the oesophagus lining.

Are you going through any of these symptoms?

Burning Sensation
Acid Reflux
Stomach Pain
Difficulty Swallowing

Causes of Hyperacidity

Hyperacidity is normally caused by lifestyle factors that can bring on acidity, including obesity, binge eating and consuming any Pitta-aggravating hot, spicy and oily foods. Other factors include smoking, alcohol use and certain medications. Other factors include smoking, alcohol use, and certain medications.

Ayurveda describes it as an imbalance of the Pitta dosha, associated with the heat and fire. Poor dietary habits, stress, and Pitta-aggravating foods can exacerbate this condition. Here’s how:

Diet: Eating very spicy, acidic, and fatty foods encourages the body to secrete excess amounts of stomach acids, which results in problems of acidity and heartburn.

Lifestyle Choices: Alcohol and tobacco are gastric irritants that encourage hyper-secretion of gastric acids.

Irregular Eating Times: Pitta gets aggravated, and digestive fire is forcefully disrupted (Agni) when more than one meal is skipped or when there are meals taken at unusual hours.

Emotional Stress: Handling heavy or a lot of mental stresses all the time may increase Pitta and, therefore, aggravate the symptoms of acid reflux.

Excessive Heat: High ambient temperature or high temperature of food may push Pitta to rise and quite possibly lead to hyperacidity.

Medications: Some preparations of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may cause damage to the lining of the stomach, leading to elevated secretions of acid

Medical Conditions: Hyperacidity illnesses include GERD, a stomach infection, and prolonged stress where symptoms are subclinical.

Risks & Complications

People usually neglect the symptoms of hyperacidity, but if it’s not treated on time, it can lead to more severe health issues like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), oesophagal strictures, or even ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

When to See a Doctor?

You should consult an Ayurveda practitioner if:

  • Symptoms keep on recurring for a week or more.
  • Frequent acidity despite the medicines.
  • You experience severe pain or difficulty swallowing.
  • There is blood in your vomit or stool.

Hyperacidity Treatment in Ayurveda

The basics of Ayurvedic treatment of hyperacidity revolve around stabilizing the pitta dosha, which is responsible for the process of assimilation and metabolism. Such a course consists of diet correction, herbal medicines, therapies (if needed) and a change of lifestyle:

Eating Habits

It is important to switch to a pitta-pacifying diet. Foods that are cool, fresh, and alkaline should be preferred, like cucumber, coconut water, milk, and watermelon. Whereas hot, sour, and fermented foods that enhance acidity should be excluded from the diet.

Herbal Remedies

Ayurveda recommends several herbs to counteract the hyperacidity effect. They include Amla, which is cooling in nature; Shatavari, which is beneficial to the stomach; and Yashtimadhu (Licorice), which can shield the stomach lining and minimize inflammation, making it a natural antacid.

Lifestyle Changes

Restructuring everyday activities in a way that reduces stress, which in turn restores digestion, is encouraged. Pitta dosha, which is the fiery element, is pacified by regular practices like Yoga, especially cooling postures and breathing techniques like Sheetali Pranayama. Meditation and adequate sleep also play a role in maintaining digestive health.

Detoxification Therapies

At times, therapies like Virechana are also given to the patients to get rid of excessive pitta in the system. This therapy helps in detoxifying ama (toxins) accumulated over time in the digestive system to relieve hyperacidity symptoms.

Jiva’s Evidence-Based Treatment Process

Nadi Pariksha

Starting with Nadi Pariksha, Jiva's certified Ayurvedic doctors use this traditional pulse diagnosis to detect imbalances and assess organ health, which is crucial for diagnosing Hyperacidity accurately.

Prakriti Analysis

Understanding your unique physical and psychological pattern allows us to tailor a Hyperacidity treatment plan that not only addresses symptoms but aligns with your inherent constitution for lasting health.

Samprapti Ghatak (Pathogenesis)

In our investigations, we examine the if and how Hyperacidity is progressing by the dietary, lifestyle, and psychosocial aspects, identifying individual factors for customised intervention and pinpointing specific triggers for targeted treatment.

Chikitsa Sutra - Personalised Treatment Plan

After that, we create a detailed Hyperacidity treatment plan, which consists of diet modifications, lifestyle adjustments, herbal medications, and specific therapies that aim to restore dosha balance and enhance digestive health.

Continuous Monitoring & Amendments

 Continuous tracking of treatment effectiveness allows us to make necessary adjustments, ensuring that you achieve the best results from your personalised Hyperacidity treatment plan with Jiva's ongoing support.

What Our Patients Say

87% of patients rate us excellent in service.

78% of patients saw significant improvement in 3 months of treatment.

92% of patients stopped allopathic medicines completely.


Foods that are beneficial during bouts of acidity include oats, cucumbers, watermelons, and lightly cooked vegetables. These foods are not only easy to digest but also provide a cooling effect on the stomach.

The easiest method to relieve acid burns is by drinking a cold glass of milk or coconut water as both are the best home remedies for acidity that works fast in neutralizing excess stomach acid. These types of food have a soothing effect on the stomach lining and also help in bringing down the acid level.

A useful Ayurvedic treatment for hyperacidity is the use of fennel seeds along with coriander seeds and cumin seeds in a prepared mixture. Boil these in water, strain, and drink the liquid while it’s warm to help relieve symptoms of acidity.

Ayurvedic treatment for hyperacidity includes dietary adjustments to avoid Pitta-aggravating foods, the use of cooling herbs like liquorice and amla, and lifestyle modifications such as practising yoga and meditation to reduce stress, which is often a contributing factor to increased acid production.

In Ayurveda, acidity is often described as an imbalance of the Pitta dosha, which involves the fire element in the body. This imbalance causes the excess production of stomach acid, leading to symptoms like heartburn and indigestion.

Ayurveda attributes the causes of acidity to factors that increase Pitta. These include consuming hot, spicy, oily foods, overeating, stress, and lifestyle choices that disrupt the natural balance of the body. Additionally, consuming Pitta-aggravating substances late at night or eating before the previous meal would have been digested can also contribute to acidity.

Symptoms from an Ayurvedic viewpoint include a burning sensation in the stomach and throat, sour or bitter taste in the mouth, indigestion, constipation, and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. These symptoms are reflective of an aggravated Pitta dosha.

While typically not serious, recurrent episodes of acidity can indicate a deeper imbalance of the Pitta dosha and can lead to more severe conditions such as ulcers and chronic indigestion. It’s advisable to address the imbalance early to prevent complications.

Yes, according to Ayurveda, untreated acidity can result in an increased risk of developing ulcers, gastritis, and other digestive tract disorders. Chronic acidity can also disturb other doshas, leading to systemic health issues beyond the digestive system.

Yes, with proper diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal treatments, Ayurveda can effectively manage and potentially cure hyperacidity.

Eat smaller, more frequent meals, avoid late-night snacks, and reduce stress.

Yes, it can be associated with conditions like GERD and stomach ulcers.

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