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Get An Effective Ayurvedic Treatment For Gastritis

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In this blog, we will focus on how Ayurveda diagnoses Gastritis and what is included in an authentic Ayurvedic treatment plan. 

What is Gastritis?

One of the most commonly noted digestive disorders, Gastritis is an inflammation in the stomach’s lining, often causing immense discomfort and pain. An authentic Ayurvedic treatment for Gastritis aims to restore balance within the digestive system by identifying and treating the condition's root cause, usually specific to each patient.

What are some noteworthy causes of Gastritis?

  1. Prolonged usage of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) and specific medications such as iron and potassium supplements can irritate the stomach lining and increase the risk of Gastritis.

  2. Alcohol consumption - Heavy alcohol consumption can very well damage the stomach lining and create dwelling grounds for acute as well as chronic Gastritis.

  3. Prolonged Stress - Chronic stress can trigger an increase in the production of acidic content inside the stomach, further damaging the stomach lining and increasing the chances of Gastritis

  4. Smoking- Can seriously damage the stomach lining and impair its ability to heal.

  5. Infections - bacterial and viral infections can irritate the stomach lining, leading to Gastritis

  6. Diet Factors - Contaminated, over-spicy, heavily processed foods contribute to Gastritis

  7. Ageing - Often leads to weakening of the stomach lining

What is Gastritis in Ayurveda? 

In terms of Ayurveda, Gastritis is noted to be an imbalance in digestive fire, commonly referred to as Agni.

When this ‘Agni’ responsible for assimilation and breaking down food during the process of digestion is disturbed, it leads to the accumulation of toxins (commonly referred to as Ama) in the cells and tissues of the Gastrointestinal tract, leading to chances for inflammation, indigestion and pain in the stomach region.   

What Is Included In Ayurvedic Treatment For Gastritis?

An effective ayurvedic treatment for gastritis involves the following:

Ayurvedic Medicines

inclusion of natural remedies that include herbs with anti-inflammatory properties, can support the digestive fire and help balance it out. Some common herbs with such properties are aloe vera, fennel, ginger and amla. Subsequently, ayurveda also offers a variety of digestive tonics, that are often helpful in balancing the digestive system, improving bowel regularity and reducing acidity.

Dietary Modifications

One of the keys to restoring the digestive agni is a balanced, nutritious diet. Ayurveda emphasises mitigating gastritis through effective regulation of the diet with warm, light and easy-to-digest well-cooked food, such as steamed vegetables and whole grains. Additionally, by avoiding high-on-spice, overcooked, extra-oily meals, you can help reduce the potential inflammation and swelling, while also ensuring the stomach lining heals faster and doesn't get further irritated.

Lifestyle Modification Practices 

No Ayurvedic treatment is sufficient for healing the root cause without diligently implementing changes in the lifestyle. If you are a smoker and alcohol consumer, you must stop these habits to effectively eradicate gastritis and other similar problems.  Practices like slow chewing, mindful eating, and consuming meals at regular intervals are also highly recommended as good Ayurvedic practices. Needless to say, stress and anxiety should be avoided at all costs and effective Yoga and meditation practices can become a great means to achieving mindfulness.

Panchakarma Therapies

In the case of a severe Gastritis condition, a specialist Ayurveda doctor may highly recommend Panchakarma Treatments to restore balance within the digestive system and detox the body. Therapies like Virechana and Basti are highly effective when it comes to eliminating toxins, reducing inflammation and recuperating damaged tissues.

Manage gastritis effectively through Ayurveda. Ayurveda‘s comprehensive approach to your health addresses the root cause to offer more than just symptomatic relief. Consult your health with a certified Ayurveda expert today and get effective treatment for gastritis

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